For some reason, it has taken me a while to embrace the (seeming) blog revolution. The question that pops up is, "who would read about me?" I was listening to NPR or some other radio station the other day and heard someone talk about the dawn of the video tape. They were comparing it to the initial days of the video camera; when anyone with anything to show would tape themselves and try to sell them through some channel (I don't remember how.) Soon after, people just got bored of watching other people publish their idiosyncrasies. Maybe that is how blogs would become!
But then, I also read about how blogs have revolutionized closed but tech savvy societies like China, where there is pretty much a socio-cultural revolution riding on the popularity of blogs.
Wherever we may end up with blogs, it seems safe to say that it is not showing signs of waning any time soon. So here I am jumping on to the web log bandwagon.
P.S. Quantum is cool, eh? I guess I am trying to manifest by high school fascination with physics through a web log!!