
Electronic banking gone kaput

If there was ever a place that needed its information organized and universally accessible, it is India. Bank transfers in India need IFS codes - they are like bank routing numbers in the US. For years the only way you could get the IFS code was walk up to the branch and ask a specific person. Things have changed since then, but even now only private banks go to the effort of mapping a bank branch to its IFS code so that we don't have to remember it. Thats not the end of it though.. the mapping is horrendous. If you aren't already confused by IFS codes for a single bank location, cryptic acronyms for names will.

I finally found this page today and it has a much better, and likely authoritative listing of banks in India that participate in electronic funds transfers. Hope it makes someone else's life easier.

in reference to: Reserve Bank of India (view on Google Sidewiki)

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